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Suicide Notes

Author: Michael Thomas Ford

Genre: Young Adult, Mental Health, Contemporary, LGBT Literature, Fiction


Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Length: 295 pages

When I started Suicide Notes I figured I knew what I was getting in to. I was wrong. It had so many more layers and I was shocked by it. I read the book very quickly seeing as it isn't very long. I was not disappointed. I shed tears, I laughed, and I wanted to scream a few times. If you do want to read Suicide Notes I would like to give a content warning because this book covers multiple heavy topics, such as suicide, self harm, murder, and drug abuse. If any of that makes you uncomfortable or you prefer not to read it, then I suggest reading a different book. Overall, this book was written incredibly well and I would read it again, because it hits so deep.


Fifteen-year-old Jeff wakes up on New Year's Day to find himself in the hospital. Make that the psychiatric ward. With the nut jobs. Clearly, this is all a huge mistake. Forget about the bandages on his wrists and the notes on his chart. Forget about his problems with his best friend, Allie, and her boyfriend, Burke. Jeff's perfectly fine, perfectly normal, not like the other kids in the hospital with him. Now they've got problems. But a funny thing happens as his forty-five-day sentence drags on: the crazies start to seem less crazy.


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